Saturday, August 8, 2015

Carebear = Crappy genetics

"Point I'm making risk adverse people are genetic throw backs who will never make a leap of faith or lift for the occasion. They need to be culled. The softness of western society is clearly being reflected on the Internet. As long as they are spoon fed shit about they are special, some shitty news media to keep them afraid and ignorant and their food regulated these fat useless genetic throw backs live. Sad thing is they are just beasts of burden for the economic beast they serve and coz of media they are fat dumb and stupid."

  Oh my, dodgy totally nailed it here. Something I was not able to say on the SotA forums. Truth is, carebears are genetic thrash. They are not fit for a life of adventure both online and offline. I've never known a carebear who were a cool person in real life. All carebears are boring normalfags and / or socially awkward sperglords who like to stay at home with mom.
   I've tried on occasion to do business with such people (making games for android) and it soon became clear those people can't do shit. They are extremely dumb, indecisive, they don't actually crave success or money.
  Now, of course there are different types of carebears. I'm talking about the most common type - the 19-29 years old millenial. Carebears are total shit to conduct any business with. The only way to make use of those people is to hire them and pay them,

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